
Explore the Color Harmonies of Famous Images

Explore the Color Harmonies of Famous Images

Become familiar with the Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) and Red-Green-Blue )RGB) color wheels and the various color harmonies by analyzing famous logos, paintings, and photographs.

This blog post uses an app that was introduced in the previous post “Explore the Color Wheel and Color Harmonies of your Image”. Don’t guess at which hues dominate in the image - use this app to show you.

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Explore the Color Wheel and Color Harmony of your Image

Explore the Color Wheel and Color Harmony of your Image

Are the colors in your image harmonious? Find out!

This web app loads an image and then creates two color wheels, one based on the modern Red-Green-Blue (RBG) system and the other on the traditional Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) system.

Some diagrams of common "color harmonies" are along the right-hand edge, for the purposes of comparison with the color wheels. Don't guess colors when assigning the color harmony!

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